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Sunday 21 May 2017

Once Akbar challenged Birbal. He asked Birbal to write a line on wall which when read in happy times makes you sad but when read in sad times makes you happy.

What would he have written to satisfy the conditions given by his king?

A man was brought to Akbar's court and he found the man guilt of a little offense. HE decided to punish the man and asked him to make a statement. If the statement is held true by Akbar, the man will be killed by hanging him to death and if the statement is held false, the man will be killed by giving poison.

The man was confused. He did not know what to say. Therefore, he looked at Birbal and asked for suggestion. Birbal thought for a while and decided to help him, as he had not committed a major offense. He told something in his ear and the man then said the statement to Akbar.

After hearing the statement, Akbar could not kill him. What was the statement?